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On Classif ication of Associative Text Based on Rules Pruning ofMutual Information(PDF)


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On Classif ication of Associative Text Based on Rules Pruning ofMutual Information
Shang B ingzhang B aiQ ingyuan
C ollege ofM ath em at ics and C om pu ter S cience, Fuzh ouU n ivers ity, Fuzhou 350002, Ch ina
 mutual in fo rm ation rules pruning assoc iative c lassifica tion
The traditiona l assoc ia tive c lassify ing algor ithm s of assoc iative texts gene ra te a huge mum be r of ru les. If the ru les w ere no t pruned, the e ffic iency o f c lassification would be influenced. H ow ever, if the form er prun ingm ethod were adopted, d ifferent degrees of accuracy o f c lassifica tion w ould appear. Therefore, an assoc iative text c lassification algo rithm-based on ru les prun ing o fmutual inform ation is presen ted to prune the ru les o f each c lass. The ru les w ith h igh c las s ify ing capacity are chosen to form classifiers to c lassify the texts be ing classified. The study illum inates that the mutual inform ation-based rules pruning a lgo rithm no t on ly gets much less rules but ism o re he lpfu l fo r im prov ing the accuracy o f the assoc iation categor ization. The exper imenta l resu lts show the performance o f th is m e thod is better than both ARCBC a lgo rithm and the algor ithm wh ich uses a ll rules.


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Last Update: 2013-07-22