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Determination of the Amount of Phthalates in Nail Polishes on a Sol-Gel Gas Chromatographic Capillary Column(PDF)


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Determination of the Amount of Phthalates in Nail Polishes on a Sol-Gel Gas Chromatographic Capillary Column
Wang Dongxin
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
sol-ge l gas chrom a tog raph ic capillary co lumn phtha la te nail po lish
The am ount o f 5 phthalates in na il po lishes includ ing DM P, DEP, DBP, DEH P and DOP w erem easured by capillary g as chrom atography. The dr ied na il po lishesw ere d isso lved in ace tonew ith u ltrasonication. The chrom atog raphic ana lys is w as carr ied out on a so l-ge l cap illary column wh ich show ed high stab ility and exce llent separation. Inner standard m ethod w as app lied in quantitative analysis. The detection lim its w ere 0.16- 0.50 ng. The recover ies for ph tha la tes we re 95. 4% - 100. 4%. The re lative standard dev iations for the am ount of phtha lates in nail po lishes were 1. 17% - 2.91%.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23