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Design of Wireless Voice/Image Transmission System Based on DSR Routing Protocol(PDF)


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Design of Wireless Voice/Image Transmission System Based on DSR Routing Protocol
Bao JianZha YanfangYin Kuixi
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
ad hoc ne tw ork DSR nRF2401 nRF24Z1 JPEG decode
In order to realize ad ho c netwo rks wh ich inc luded vo ice and im ag e transm ission applications, the so lution o f d iv id ing a w ire less netwo rk into severalm ic ro ad hoc ne tw orks is proposed, in w hich DSR w ireless routing pro tocols is adopted in m eans of comm un ica tion w ith in the netw ork and communication between the relay nodes is used in communication betw een the ne tw ork. First, it constructs a p la tform based on ARM9 fo rw ire less vo ice and im age transm ission system s, then designs the DSR routing protoco l by so ftwa re, and rea lizes the au to conversion of comm un ica tion w ith in and betw een the netw ork. The practice indicates that this system ach ieves c lea r voice qua lity and stability im age transm iss ion. It s’ a po rtab le dev ice, can jo in o r qu it the netwo rk at any m om ent, and has bro ad app lication va lue where o ther netwo rk can t’ cove r


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Last Update: 2013-04-02