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Study of the Optical Interference Technique for the Measurement of the Poisson’s Ratio of MEMS Thin Films(PDF)


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Study of the Optical Interference Technique for the Measurement of the Poisson’s Ratio of MEMS Thin Films
Zhao CaifengRong Hua
Jiangsu Province Optoelectronics Technique Key Laboratory,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
th inMEM S film Po issoncs ratio in situ m easurem en t right ang le cantilever beam
In th is study, a m ethod to m easure the Po issoncs ratio o f thin MEMS film accord ing to optical interference technical is proposed. The me thod m akes use o f a righ t ang le cantileve r beam as test structure, applies vo ltage betw een the top electrode and the bo ttom e lectrode, under the function o f the electrostatic force, the first pa rt of the can tilever beam wh ich is connected w ith the ancho rw ill becom e de form ed w ith bend ing and torsion. First, m easure the deform ation w ithM irau interfe rence instrum ent, then separate the bend ing and torsion, figure ou t the Po issoncs ratio o f th inM EMS film, and ve rify them ethod w ith the so ftw are o f Covento rW are. The resu lts show that the accuracy o f the m ethod is very h igh.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02