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Analysis of the Coupling Efficiency of the High-Frequency Induction Lamp(PDF)


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Analysis of the Coupling Efficiency of the High-Frequency Induction Lamp
Chen PengZhu YuehuaHuang Ruxi
Institute of Light Sources Materials,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210015,China
h igh- frequency induction lamp coup ling effic iency e lectrom agnetic induction coupling m echanism inductance
In v iew of the fact that there are still prob lem s in the craft and the pe rform ance o f the high frequency lim itless lam p, the paper has m ade a comprehensive techno log ica l ana lysis o f the coup ling effic iency o f the lim itless lam p. It has conduc ted a comprehensive and sy stema tic exper imenta l study o f the various kinds of facto rs in fluencing the coup ling eff-i c iency of the lim itless ligh t, and the test resu lts are analyzed, and the essential fac to rs in the craft im provement are proposed to prov ide the bas is for further enhancing the light effect of the lim itless lam p to. The resu lt ind ica ted that the light e ffect of the lim itless lam p was g reatly ra ised in the coupling e ffic iency, and a fter the improvem ent manu facture cra ft, the h igh frequency lim itless lam p coup ler has the good app lication prospect.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02