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Comparative Study Between the Single-stage and the Two-stage Direct Type of Evaporative Air Cooler(PDF)


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Comparative Study Between the Single-stage and the Two-stage Direct Type of Evaporative Air Cooler
Liu Jinan1Huang Hu1Zhang Zhongbin1Chen Zemin2
1.School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Jiangsu Danyang Suke Air Source Energy Research Center Co.Ltd,Danyang 212300,China
la rge temperature d ifference d irect type o f evaporative a ir coo ler tw ostage sing lestag e evaporation tem pe ra ture
Accord ing to the differentm iddle tem peratures and evaporation tem pe ratures on the sim ulationa l ca lculation, a design propo sal o f the two stage direct type of evapo ra tive a ir coo lerw as proposed to be used in dea ling w ith large tem peratu re differences o f the fresh a ir. A t the sam e tim e, sim ulated and ca lculated the s ing le stage d irect type of evapora tive a ir coo ler. Through the compar ison ana ly sis betw een them, w e ge t the optimum va lue of the two stage direct type o f evapo rative air cooler.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02