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The Research on Radiated Electromagnetic Interference Near-Field Test Calibration Algorithm(PDF)


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The Research on Radiated Electromagnetic Interference Near-Field Test Calibration Algorithm
Sun Hongyan1Liu Yong2Yan Wei2Zhang Yuhuan2Zhao Yang2
1.Taizhou College,Nanjing Normal University,Taizhou 225300,China
radiated EMIaccuracyvariancecalibrationmatlab
In this paper, the mechanism of radiated interference noise is comprehensively analyzed,and both an radiated EMI near-field test method and a kind of radiated interference source are designed. For the low accuracy of radiated EMI near-field test,a polynomial fitting calibration algorithm based on variance is proposed,and the result of 3 m chamber is the baseline of the calibration. In addition,the algorithm processing is carried out by using of matlab,and the calibration accuracy is verified by an experiment. The experiment result shows that the near-field test result can be consistent with 3 m chamber test result after calibration,and proves that the calibration method is effective.


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Last Update: 2013-03-21