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The Technology of Diagnosis and Inhibition Research on RadiatedEMI Noise Based on Medical Equipment(PDF)


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The Technology of Diagnosis and Inhibition Research on RadiatedEMI Noise Based on Medical Equipment
Song BaitongZhao YangXia HuanSun XunzhiYang Boting
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
complex electronics systemsradiated EMI noisenoise theoretical modelsnoise suppression
Electromagnetic interference(EMI)generated by complex electronics systems includes conducted EMI noise and radiated EMI noise.The operation of other electronic equipment was influenced by radiated EMI noise through space electromagnetic field.In order to analyze radiated EMI noise generated by complex electronics systems,two theoretical models and equivalent circuits are proposed,including model analysis of radiation noise based on data transmission lines of PCB circuit and the clock signal pin of circuit chip.Furthermore,noise suppression methods are designed based on the above radiated noises.The experiment results show that the noise of a certain type of medical basin crusher decreases 10 dBμV/m by employing the suggested approaches of the paper,so the validity of the approaches is verified.


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Last Update: 2014-12-31