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Numerical Study on the Layout of Air Exhaust Vents and AirflowOrganization Optimization in the Sewage Pumping Station(PDF)


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Numerical Study on the Layout of Air Exhaust Vents and AirflowOrganization Optimization in the Sewage Pumping Station
Zhu DongxueGu PengyangChu HongyanLin FujianLu Shihua
School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
sewage pumping stationexhaust vent layoutairflow organizationnumerical simulation
The spread of malodorous gas in the grid of the sewage pumping station has a serious effect on the health and living environment of the surrounding residents. The Fluent software is used to simulate the airflow in the air supply state of the air supply port between the grilles and consider the opening in the grille. Under the condition of continuous release of pollutants, the influence of the air supply system on the diffusion of pollutants is analyzed, and an optimal ventilation method for the exhaust system in the grille is found. The research shows that the existing air supply method causes the disturbance of the airflow in the grille, causing secondary pollution in the grille. Under the joint action of all air outlets, the diffusion intensity of indoor pollutant NH3 is greater than H2S. The air supply system has a greater negative impact on the diffusion of indoor pollutants. The air supply mode of the air outlet opposite to the free air outlet has less interference to the indoor airflow organization, and the less pollutants in the air supply path are very beneficial to keep the indoor fresh air.


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Last Update: 2019-06-30