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Study on the Evolution of the Urban Hinterland Based onAccessibility and Competitiveness:a Case Study ofthe Yangtze River City Group(PDF)


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Study on the Evolution of the Urban Hinterland Based onAccessibility and Competitiveness:a Case Study ofthe Yangtze River City Group
Han Yanhong1Dong Ping23Wen Yuzhao4Xu Qi1Ma Yingyi5
(1.School of Environmental Science,Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,Nanjing 211171,China)(2.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(3.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development a
accessibilitycompetitivenesshigh-speed railwayurban hinterlandfield strength modelYangtze River City Group
The evolution of the traffic network has a significant influence on the variety of central city’s hinterland. The four years 1999,2005,2011 and 2018,are selected as time cross-sections. With the support of the socio-economic database and the traffic geographic database of the Yangtze River City Group,we apply field-strength model and GIS to study the evolution of the urban hinterland of the Yangtze River City Group. At the same time,the ideas of coordinated development of Yangtze River City Group are analyzed. The results show that:(1)The accessibility of Yangtze River City Group has been significantly improved,and the accessibility is relatively poor in the large-scale development period of high-grade highway,and the area with average accessibility over 1.5h accounts for 42.4%. In the stable development period of high-speed rail,the area with average accessibility of 1.5-2 h is only 0.5%,and the 1.5 h commuter circle has been basically formed.(2)The evolution of the urban hinterland of the Yangtze River City Group shows that Suzhou has the biggest urban hinterland,and the area accounts for more than 50%. The urban hinterland of Nanjing is about 20%,that of Nantong is about 10%,and that of Wuxi,Changzhou,Zhenjiang,Taizhou and Yangzhou are relatively small.(3)The ideas of coordinated development of Yangtze River City Group are put forward:creating growth pole and leading the development of regional integration; optimizing the accessibility of middle Jiangsu and creating a 1-hour commuter circle; accelerating the integration of south Jiangsu and middle Jiangsu,and narrowing the regional development gap.


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Last Update: 2021-06-30