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Monitor and System Development of Road Transportation Public Opinion(PDF)


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Monitor and System Development of Road Transportation Public Opinion
Tang Lihua1Wu Xingyu2Xu Huajian2Zhu Yanxiang3Diao Yemin4Wu Jiansheng1
(1.School of Geographic and Biological Information,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.School of Communications and Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210003,China)(3.VeriMake Research Laboratory,Nanjing Renmian Integrated Circuit Technology Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210088,China)(4.TP Laboratory,Nanjing TriangularPlus Culture Development Centre,Nanjing 210005,China)
road transportationpublic opinion monitorsentiment analysislong short-term memorymonitor system
This paper presents a case study of Jiangsu Province,whose road transportation related network text data is collected. Firstly,its public opinion is monitored and analyzed from three different perspectives: quarterly,annual and major events,thus the hot public opinion and sentiment tendency can be extracted. Based on the Long Short-Term Memory network,a novel method on road transportation public opinion sentiment analysis is then designed,and it is able to achieve good performance with the accuracy,precision,recall and AUC of 96.1%,84.2%,88.9% and 0.904,respectively. Finally,a road transportation public opinion monitoring system is developed,which can exhibit the WordCloud graph and analyze sentiment tendency of public opinion,thus providing valuable references to the road transportation management department.


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Last Update: 2021-12-15