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Hypernetwork Energy of Directed Hypergraphs and Its Properties(PDF)


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Hypernetwork Energy of Directed Hypergraphs and Its Properties
Liu Shengjiu1Wu Xiaobing1Cao Xiaoping2Wang Ying1Ou Minghui1
(1.Big Data and Internet of Things School,Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering,Chongqing 402260,China)
(2.School of Artical Intelligence,Chongqing Creation Vocational College,Chongqing 402160,China)
complex networkhypergraphdirected hypergraphgraph energynetwork energyhypernetwork energy
Graph energy is expressed as the sum of all absolute values of eigenvalues of square matrix. Network energies have been applied in undirected graphs,oriented graphs,and mixed graphs successfully,and share several same or similar lower bounds or upper bounds with traditional graph energies. For the relationship between graph and hypergraph,there are closely relationships among network energies of undirected graph and oriented graph and hypernetwork energy of undirected hypergraph. In this paper,the hypernetwork energy of directed hypergraphs is proposed by extended hypernetwork energy from undirected hypergraph to directed hypergraph. The relationship between hypernetwork energies of undirected hypergraph and directed hypergraph is analyzed,and the relationships among network energy of undirected graph and oriented graph and hypernetwork energies of undirected hypergraph and directed hypergraph are also discussed. Finally,several important properties of hypernetwork energy of directed hypergraph are analyzed as well.


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Last Update: 2022-12-15