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Calculation of Annual Load and Energy Consumption Analysis in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems(RAS)Workshop(PDF)


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Calculation of Annual Load and Energy Consumption Analysis in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems(RAS)Workshop
Zhang Hailin1Wu Juan1Xu Lushun2Zhang Yu2Zhang Zhongbin2Zhao Juan2
(1.China Construction and Installation Group Co.,Ltd,Nanjing 210023,China)
(2.School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
recirculating aquacultureannual loadcomputing methodenergy consumptiontemperature and humidity
S964.3; TU834
The internal load of a recirculating aquaculture system(RAS)workshop is not only related to the building's heating and cooling load but also involves the thermal load of the fish tanks. In this article,a calculation scheme for the annual load and energy consumption variation of the aquaculture workshop is designed. Taking a certain aquaculture workshop in Nanping,Fujian Province as an example,the annual load is calculated under the conditions of constant pond temperature and indoor air temperature and humidity. The thermal load of the RAS workshop accounts for a large proportion of the energy consumption of the aquaculture workshop,with the heating load for water makeup being the most significant. Based on this,the energy consumption of a specific fish species is analyzed by changing the temperature of the fish tanks and the workshop's ambient temperature. The results show that increasing the temperature of the fish tanks by 1 ℃ increases the average daily energy consumption of aquaculture by about 6.9% and reduce the total energy consumption by about 2.6%.


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Last Update: 2023-12-15