Technical Approach of Cleaner Production in the Third Industry(PDF)
- Issue:
- 2001年02期
- Page:
- 36-39
- Research Field:
- Publishing date:
- Title:
- Technical Approach of Cleaner Production in the Third Industry
- Author(s):
- Zhu Guowei 1; 2
- 1.College of Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing,210097,PRC)
- Keywords:
- Cleaner Pr oduction; The Third Industr y; Technical Appro ach
- X38
- DOI:
- -
- Abstract:
- This paper defined CP and briefed vario ns nidustr ies in this field in China. The paper also discussed the technical approach needed in the trial unit in t he third industr y. It also pr obed t he cont ents and w ays in the approach by combining practice, so as to realize the sustainable development of Chinese society and economic and reference data pr ovide to the futur e full-scale populizatine of ISO14000.
Last Update: 2013-04-29