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Research,Development and Industrial Application of Heat Pipe Technology(PDF)


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Research,Development and Industrial Application of Heat Pipe Technology
Zhang Hong Zhuang Jun
Institute of Heat Pipe Technology, National Technology Research & Promotion Center for Heat Pipe, Nanjing University of Technology, 210009, Nanjing, PRC
heat pipe technology carbon stee-l water heat pipe liquid metal heat pipe waste heat r ecovery industrial process heat pipe reactor
This paper introduces some ty pical cases of industr ial applications, which include the equipment fo r the w aste heat recovery and the industrial process equipment. Carbon stee-l w ater heat pipe technology, applied to air preheater and waste heat boiler, has been successfully used in many fields, such as w aste heat recovery , energy conservation and environmental protection. Liquid metal high temper ature heat pipe technolo gy has been ex tensively employed in the pr ocess equipment; high temperature hot air g enerators and heat ex tractors, for example. Heat pipe technolog y also finds its use in chemical reactors including ammonia converters. The successful applications is based on the fundamental r esearch of heat pipe techno logy, which includes the theoretical and exper imental researches on t he vapor-liquid two- phase flow and heat transfer inside the heat pipe, the heat transfer limits of heat pipes, the heat tr ansfer enhancement with heat pipes, and researches on t he material compatibility and life tests of heat pipes. The h-i efficient heat pipe heat & mass transfer equipment is g oing to play a mor e and mor e important role in var ious industrial fields.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29