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The Experimental Study on the Particle Imaging Velocimetry Based on Single Exposal Image.(PDF)


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The Experimental Study on the Particle Imaging Velocimetry Based on Single Exposal Image.
Yang Hongmin 1 Gu Fan 2 Liu Yong 2 Xu Yiqian 2
1.College of Power Engineering , Nanjing Normal University, 210042, Nanjing, PRC; 2.Department of Power Enginecving,Southeast University, 210096, Nanjing, RPC
laser tomog raphy image sing le ex posal image Particle Imaging Velocimetry
The char acteristics of different PIV ( Particle Imaging Velocimetry) technologies ware gener alized in this paper. In v iew of the complexity and hig h ex pense of these systems, a new approach to obtain the 2- D velocity field based on the tw in FFT to the single spatial laser tomo graphy images is proposed and a simple system based on this method is also dev eloped. The ex perimental results show that g ood effect was achieved for the measur ing range of low velocity and the PIV wit h lower expense can be ex pected.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29