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RATMA Algorithm Used to Analyse the EM Scattering of Multiple Cylinders(PDF)


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RATMA Algorithm Used to Analyse the EM Scattering of Multiple Cylinders
Cheng Tangbai Zhou Jianjiang Yu Zhendong Shu Yongze
College of Information, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 210016, Nanjing, PRC
addition theorem RATMA electrically larg e
In the paper, the new EM scatter ing algorithm has been introduced - Recursiv e Aggregate T-Matrix Alg orithm ( RATMA) and the deriv ation of the alg orithm has been given. The numerical results of the algor ithm have demo nstrated that t he alg orithm is precise and efficient and has advantages o ver convent ional method of moment in computational speed and r equirement for storage space. Therefore it can be used to compute EM scattering of electrically large object and multiple objects.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29