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Linearization of Sensor’s Nonlinearity by Using Genetic Algorithms and Neural Network(PDF)


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Linearization of Sensor’s Nonlinearity by Using Genetic Algorithms and Neural Network
Liu Qing
College of Mathematics Science and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal Univ, 210042, Nanjing,PRC
measur ement nonlinear ity linearization error neur al network genetic algorithms
The sensors nonlinear ity of measurement is usually linear ized by means of the least squar e method and t he first approximation etc. . Therefor e, a nonlinear error will be made which limits the accuracy and performance of the system. In this paper, a method is put forth that linear izes sensors nonlinearity by using genetic algorithms and neural network. With the method used, the nonlinear model of the measur ing system can be retrofitted into a non- distortion linear mo del t hat is consistent w ith the actual physical process, and t he nonlinear error o f the system can be greatly reduced. An example is intro duced, w ith t he experimental results showing that t he method is practicable.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29