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Image Threshold Segmentation of 3D Reconstruction Based on Genetic Algorithm(PDF)


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Image Threshold Segmentation of 3D Reconstruction Based on Genetic Algorithm
ZHANG Jinlong ZHAO Fusheng
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
genetic a lgo rithm image segm enta tion segmentation threshold 3D reconstruction
Im age thresho ld segm enta tion is of important s ignificance fo r im age process ing of 3D reconstruction. The optim a l entropy thresho ld ing a lgo rithm has many adv antages in the use o f the im age segm en tation, but it needs a lo t o f com putationa l tim e, thus lim its its practical app lication. This paper app lies the genetic a lgor ithm in determ in ing the optim a l entropy thresho ld, and presents a new approach o f im ag e threshold segm entation. Entropy o f h istog ram o f g ray-level im ages is taken as the segm entation cr iteria and the prob lem o f im ag e thresho ld segm entation is formu lated as an optim a l prob lem. The effic iency o f genetic a lgor ithm search ing ensures the best segm entation pa rame ter—— im age segm en tation th reshold. The experim enta l results show tha t the genetic a lgo rithm not only ach ieves the righ t im age segm entation but a lso greatly improves the segm enting speed.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29