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Experimental Research about the Wall Temperature Distribution on the Oscillating Heat Pipe Fixed up as a Plate(PDF)


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Experimental Research about the Wall Temperature Distribution on the Oscillating Heat Pipe Fixed up as a Plate
ZHAO Xiaobao LI Qihe DONG Hongwei YUN Chao
School of Power Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
o sc illating hea t pipe tem pera ture distribution p la te surface temperature even
A plate surface was form ed w ith the condensing sec tion tubes o f the O sc illating H eat Pipe, the tube w a ll tem perature is expe rim entally m easured a long the crossw ise and vertica l d irection o f the Osc illa ting H ea t Pipe, and som e analyses arem ade about the tem pe rature d istributive character istics during the rising heating load and the decl-i n ing heating load. The experim ent show s that the temperature on the outside tube is fluctuated apparently but is even in the center, and that when the evapo ra ting section tem pera ture r ises up to 90℃ , the p la te surface tem perature is a t the best even, but that when the evaporating section tem pera ture r ises up to 120℃ , the crossw ise temperatu re is no t the sam e, and tha tw hen the evaporating section tem pera ture rises up to 40℃ , the oscillating heat pipe is not started, but that when the temperature r ises up to 120℃ , the heat pipe is fully started and the ve rtica lw all temperature is the sam e; and thatw hen the evapo ra ting section temperature is betw een 60~ 80℃ , the verticalw a ll tem pera ture is different and the temperature near the ev aporating section r ises quickly, and tha tw hen the evapo ra ting section tem pe ra ture r ises up to 80℃ , the ve rtica l tem pe rature on the plate sur face is even.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29