Th is pape r first establishes the dynam ic equation fo r theM odel PG - PL governor produced by theU. S. A. Woodw ard Com pany and then carr ies on an analysis of the dynam ic num be r value. Fo r the d ifferentialm athem atical equa tion, the differentia l form has been adopted and s imp lified into the form in w hich one- d im ensiona l d ifference d-i v ides directly instead o f trad itiona l Laplac var ies, then chang ing and rep lac ing ca lcu la tion ism ade . the com puta tiona l process of the equation g roup is regarded as the dynam ic course o f the governo r. Through the optim iza tion of every param eter o f the dynam ic equation, a g roup of rationa l pa rame ter data is derived, and have been ana ly zed the in fluences each param e ter has on the dynam ic cha racte ristic wh ich regu late the course. The paper has certa in d irective sign if-i cance for the des ign o f the governor and the number value simu la tion