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Development of a Oscillometric Noninvasion Dynamic Blood Pressure Monitor(PDF)


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Development of a Oscillometric Noninvasion Dynamic Blood Pressure Monitor
HUANG Jianxin LIU Huai
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
dynam ic b lood pressure mon itoring osc illome tr ic me thod sing le ch ip m icrocomputer
The paper d iscusses the osc illom etr ic me thod to m easure blood pressure, introduces both hardwa re and software system s o f theNoninvasion Dynam ic B lood PressureMon itorw ith C8051 single ch ip m icrocomputer and co lor Liqu id Crystal D isplay ( LCD ) as its core, and g iv es the flow charts. The program s are w ritten in the assemb le languag e of ASM 51. On the bas is of o sc illom etric m ethod, a fuzzy contro l me thod is introduced to rev ise autom atica lly the character istic coe ffic ient for different situa tions, and im proves the m easurem en t prec ision. The m on itor can d isp lay the blood pressure and its trend chart, a lso store and p layback b lood pressure data in 48 hours, and is convenient and effic ient in use. It can correct the errors by itse lf and is o f high clinic va lue


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Last Update: 2013-04-29