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Application of Grey Analytic Hierarchy Process in Evaluation of the Fault Diagnosis Methods of Dynamic Systems(PDF)


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Application of Grey Analytic Hierarchy Process in Evaluation of the Fault Diagnosis Methods of Dynamic Systems
ZHANG Zhen HU Shousong
School of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jiangsu Nanjing 210016, China
dynam ic system s fau lt diagnosis g rey system theo ry the ana ly tic hierarch ica l process evalua tion
A im ing a t the fact tha t the evalua tion o f the fault diagnostic m ethods in the dynam ic sy stem s have such character istics as mu lti- purposes, m ulti- leve ls, and mu lti- re levance, the paper introduces the g rey sy stem theory, and suggests a new grey h ierarchical eva luating m e thod based on grey re lationa l ana lysis in comb ination w ith AHP. Them e thod can abso rb all kinds of sporad ic, uncerta in inform ation and reduce them to certa in value of eva luation indexes, so as to obtain the exact and objective result. In the end, the g rey h ie rarchical eva luating m ethod is used to evalua te the pe rfo rm ance o f the fau lt diagnosism ethods in the fighter plane ’s contro l surface dam age. The exper im enta l research show s tha t the the g rey h ierarch ica l eva luatingm e thod is a re liab le and effic ientm e thod in the ev aluation o f the fault d iagnosticm ethods in the dynam ic system s


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Last Update: 2013-04-29