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Image Retrieval System Based on Weighted Color Histogram and Color Pairs(PDF)


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Image Retrieval System Based on Weighted Color Histogram and Color Pairs
WEI Suyun JI Genlin
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
content based im ag e retr ieval color histog ram co lo r pa irs
The paper presents an im age re tr ieva l a lgo rithm based on w e ighted co lo r h istogram and an im age retrieva l algor ithm based on co lor pairs. In the a lgor ithm, the we ighted co lo r histog ram and the color pa irs o f im age a re used as character istics of im age to realize imagem a tch ing by calcu la ting im age sim ilarity. An image retr ieva l system based on w e ighted co lor h istogram and co lo r pa irs is designed and imp lemented by V isual C++ , and its structure is described. The retrieva l ex am ples to the im ages a re g iven and its perform ance is studied. The experim ent resu lts show that the image retrieval sy stem is v alid.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29