1. Adm in istrat ive Departm ent of In form ation Bu ilding, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, Jiangsu Nan jing, 210042, Ch ina; 2. S chool ofM athem atics and C ompu ter Science, N an jing Norm alUn iversity, J iangsu N an jing 210097, C hina; 3. School of E lectrical andA utom ation Engin eering, Nan jing Norma lU n ivers ity, Jiangsu Nan jing 210042, Ch ina
Th is paper introduces the m a in characteristics and perform ance o f SD2000 Ch ips, ana ly zes its structura l pr inc iple, log ic- c lock and w ork ing-m ode, and offers the bas ic in terface w ith com puter and the m ethod o f prog ramm ing so ftw ares. It stresses on illustrating thew ho le structure and working- princ ip le ofM ult-i rateW a tt-hourm eter realized by this ch ips, analyses the reasons why the performance of the me ter is im proved a fter th is ser ies of ch ips is used, and in the end, po ints out seve ra l prob lem s to be noticed in the course o f debugg ing softw are and hardwa re o f them eter.