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A Numerical Study on the Effects of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Passage with Vertical Column Turbulence(PDF)


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A Numerical Study on the Effects of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Passage with Vertical Column Turbulence
WANG Fengming ZHANG Jingzhou WANG Suofang
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jiangsu Nanjing 210016, China
enhanced heat transfer pressure loss w ater drop-shaped co lum n num er ica l calcu lation
FLUENT-CFD So ftwa re is used to sim ulate the flow and heat transfe r in a rectangular passag ew ith the arrays of c irc le- shaped, sim ilar-drop-shaped, e lliptic- shaped and wa ter drop-shaped columns. The ve lo city fields, pressure fie lds, temperature fie lds and the lo ca l convective hea t transfer coeffic ients are ob tained and the enhancem ent o f heat transfer and the pressure loss cha racte ristics a re com pared. The ca lcu la ted results show that the pressure lo ss o f drop- shaped columns is 66. 3%, 70. 5% and 79. 8% com pa red w ith the fo rme r three w hile the av erage heat transfer coe fficien t on the un iform hea t flux endw a ll decreases 18. 5%, 12. 4% and 3. 8%, respec tive ly. The reduced range of the pressure loss is ev idently higher than the weaken ing o f the enhance hea t transfer. So that thew ater drop- shaped co lumn array is a prom ising con figura tion w ith a comprehens ive properties and can replace the norm a l c irc le- shaped co lumn.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29