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Research on Genetic Algorithm with Multi-Point Orthogonal Crossover Operation(PDF)


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Research on Genetic Algorithm with Multi-Point Orthogonal Crossover Operation
LIU Qing
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
genetic a lgo rithm o rthogona l exper iment m ult-i po int crossover s imu lation
By using the g loba l equ ilibrium design ideo logy of orthogonal exper imentm e thod, the paper proposes a g enetic a lgor ithm w ith mu lt-i po int orthogona l crossover ope ration. C rossover ope ration o f the algorithm is based on the orthogona l array, and the tw o ofm any o ffspr ing that hav e b igger fitness are cho sen to put in nex t evo lution. The a lgorithm can ensure population mu ltifo rm ity and converg ence speed rapidly. The research results show tha t the a lgo rithm can no t on ly ove rcom e the shortcom ings o f SGA e ffective ly, but a lso ev idently improve the com puting speed, com puting prec ision and computing stab ility.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29