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A Knowledge Reduction Method based on Ant Colony Algorithm(PDF)


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A Knowledge Reduction Method based on Ant Colony Algorithm
WANG Junfeng ZHU Qingbao
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
ant co lony a lgor ithm rough sets know ledge reduction
Know ledge Reduc tion is a k ind of NP-hard prob lem in Rough Sets theo ry, for wh ich there have already been som e me thods, bu t each m e thod has its own lim itations, and is thus suitable on ly in special condition of the problem. As a new b ion ics optim iza tion a lgor ithm, Ant Co lony A lgor ithm has good e ffects in so lv ing m any k inds o f comb inations optim ization problem rega rdless o f the sca le o f the problem. Inspired by th is character o fAnt Co lony A-l go rithm, w e present a new approach fo r know ledge reduction based on the Ant Co lony A lgor ithm in th is paper. The pape r descr ibes in deta il the construction o f the graph expressing the comb ination o f the cond ition sets, the eva luation function, the setting o f the param ete rs and the steps of the new approach, and a t last proves the va lidity o f th is new m ethod through the comparative expe rim ent of the re levant lite ratures


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Last Update: 2013-04-29