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Study on Making Thematic Maps Dynamically under the Internet Environment(PDF)


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Study on Making Thematic Maps Dynamically under the Internet Environment
HUANG Binghu Lv Guonian CHEN Yong LI Anbo
Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Geographic Information Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
A rc IMS ArcXML A rcSDE them atic m aps
As one of the ESR I ’sWebG IS products, A rc IM S m ainly consists of c lient side and se rver side, among w hich ArcXML is the standard communicating language be tw een c lient s ide and server side. W hen the c lient side sends a request to them ap serv ice runn ing in the ArcIM S spa tia l se rv ice r, the requested inform a tion is descr ipted w ith A rcXML. Based on ana ly zing the structure of ArcIMS, th is paper introduces how to make thema ticm aps w ith ArcIM S under the internet env ironm ent. Them a tic maps a re gene rated from the own a ttr ibute table of the map, the th ird part dbf file, and the tab le that com es from SQL Se rver database under the ArcSDE for SQL Serve r env ironm ent. By using theArcXML, the paper describes in detail them ethod o fm ak ing them a ticm aps, and at last, g iv es two kinds o f representative instances o f co lum n m aps and p ie m aps.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29