1.School of Science, Nanjing University of Technology, Jiangsu Nanjing 210009, China; 2.Department of Automation Control, Southeast University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210096, China
Th is thesis fo cus on the design and softw are deve lopm ent o f CenterW atch System in sm art comm un ities, introduces the perform ance o f CenterW atch System now adays, and the designs a Cen terW atch System based on the character istics of sm art comm un ities. The thes is ana lyzes in deta il the structure o f the Cen terW atch System, illustrates the system theory, and exp lains them odu le design and particu lar design. The paper a lso in troduces the da tabase o f the system based on ADO technique, and presents them odu le design, modu le communication and the ana ly sis of sy stem performance. The system has been app lied in to rea lity.