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Optimization Design of Hydro Turbine Governor Parameters by PSO Algorithm(PDF)


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Optimization Design of Hydro Turbine Governor Parameters by PSO Algorithm
LIU Qing
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 21004, China
particle sw arm optim ization hydro turbine PID governo r optim izing pa rame ters
In genera,l PID control algor ithm rem a ins themo st popu la r approach to hydro turbine gove rno r sy stem s. To g ain optim ization param e ters of hydro turb ine PID gove rno r, th is paper interprets the approach o f optim ization design ing that uses the Particle Sw arm Optim iza tion ( PSO) a lgo rithm. PSO is a new evo lu tionary a lgo rithm and is sim ple in structure and easy to opera te. W hen param eters of hydro turb ine PID governor are optim ized by using PSO a lgorithm, the exper iments show exce llent results in term o f contro l accuracy and effectiveness. The resu lts are superior to the ones obta ined by im proved genetic algor ithm in term of response time, outpu t overshoot and undershoot for a step reference.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29