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Realization of the SS-tree Index in Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Java(PDF)


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Realization of the SS-tree Index in Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Java
CHEN DongxiaJI GenlinFANG Zhaohui
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,China
content-based im ag e retr ieval Java SS- tree index
To improve the effic iency o f the CB IR, the spa tia l index is needed . The SS- tree index is the popular spatia l index, and has the character istics of ba lance and dynam ic, and it‘ s easy to construct and ma inta in. A web-based CB IR sy stem nam ed IRS is rea lized by us ing Java, fo rw hich the SS-tree indexes are realized. The index docum ents and the defin ition o f c lasses are proposed, and them a in ope ra tion and the co rresponding ar ithm etic are introduced. SS - tree index is used in the comparab ility index o f con tent im age retr ieva.l The effic iency of o rder scann ing is compared w ith that o f retr iev ing w ith R-tree and SS- tree. The exper im ent show s that w ith the use of index, the e fficiency of CBIR is greatly im proved. Using SS-tree index to retrieve is e fficien t and effective fo rCBIR.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29