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Study on Synthesis Conditions of Triisodecyl Phosphite Ester(PDF)


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Study on Synthesis Conditions of Triisodecyl Phosphite Ester
HUANG XiaodongGU HuidanHUANG DongpingYANG Jinfei
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,China
tr iisodecy l phosphite ester isodecy l alcoho l phosphorus tr ich lor ide py ridine benzene synthesis
Tr iisodecy l phosph ite ester is synthesized w ith isodecyl alcoho l and PC l3 by using the d irec t esterification m ethod. It is de term ined w ith the com par ison m e thod that py rid ine and benzene are used as theHC l acceptor and the so lvent, respec tive ly. W ith an orthogonal experim entm ethod, the su itable synthesis cond itions are de fined as fo llow s: the reac tion tem pe ra ture: 60℃ , the so lvent quantity: 3 tim es the m ass of isodecy l a lcoho,l the dropw ise tim e: 90 m in, reaction tim e: 1. 5 h, them o lar ratio of isodecy l a lcoho l and PC l3: 3. 1:1. Under the above cond itions, synthe-t ic productiv ity can reach 96. 8%. The qua lity o f the product can reach the indexes of the oversea products.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29