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A New Way to Analyze The Frequency Spectrum of Ladder Triangular Waves Based on the Mathematica Program(PDF)


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A New Way to Analyze The Frequency Spectrum of Ladder Triangular Waves Based on the Mathematica Program
YIN JiwuLONG Shuming
Department of Physics,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723001,China
Mathematica p rogram frequency spectrum ladder triangularwaves harmonic waves
The paper put forward a new generalway to analyze the frequency spectrum of periodic signal based on the Mathematica p rogram. Its theoretical p rincip le is Fourier series method of development. The computing difficulty to analyze the frequency spectrum of the ladder wave is solved by the aid of theMathematica p rogram. The frequency spectrum of the ladder triangularwave is analyzed in thisway. TheMathematica p rogram is recommended to do it. As a result, the frequency spectrum structure of the ladder triangularwave is decided by the number 2k of the ladder in a cycle of triangularwave.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29