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A Hybrid Clustering Algorithm for Irregular Distributed Data(PDF)


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A Hybrid Clustering Algorithm for Irregular Distributed Data
MA ZhiminCHEN HanwuZHANG Jun
1.Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;2.Jiangxi Province Information Center,Nanchang 330046,China
fuzzy partition FCM h ierarchical c lustering fuzzy m easure
C luster ing analysis, as an important techno logy of datam in ing, has aw ide rang e o f application areas, but at the same time, cluster ing is a ra ther difficu lt problem in da tam in ing a rea. In comm on c lustering a lgo rithm s, FCM based on fuzzy division is one o f the im portant a lgo rithm s. Com pared w ith o ther a lgor ithm s, FCM has m any advan tag es such as simp le computation, rap id speed and an intuitive geom etr ic significance. So it has aw ide app lication in m any a reas such as im age processing and pattern recognition. A s many c-m eans a lgo rithm s, FCM denotes class only by c lass center, wh ich can only fit to sphere- like type o f cluster. This d issertation discusses the lim itations o f trad-i tional FCM algorithm in in itia liza tion o f pro totype. The paper presents a new a lgo rithm based on h ierarch ica l c lustering wh ich can be applied to the irregular distributed data.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29