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Design of the Manage System of Junction Box in Telecom Based on GIS(PDF)


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Design of the Manage System of Junction Box in Telecom Based on GIS
GU YanLI Wei
College of Communication and Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210003,China
G IS Database spac ia l ana lys is the manage system of junction box in Te lecom
In o rder to improve the serv ice leve l and work e fficiency in Te lecom company, them anage system o f junction box in Te lecom introduces the m anag em ent o f h iberarchy. It prov ides a ser ies o f functions fo r emp loyee, such as b i- d irec tiona l search ing of the space inform ation and the property informa tion o f junction box, search ing in fo rm ation of junc tion box and inner ports or just usab le ones com bin ing w ith a relativ e area, reg iste ring fix ing po sition in map and m eterag ing along the line. Especia lly, it a lso o ffe rs func tions o f database m anag em ent, w ays of creating repo rt form s for m anag er. Comb in ing w ith com prehensive functions as we ll as h igh prac ticab ility, th is sy stem can promo te the developm ent o f corporations g reatly.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29