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A Method to Calculate Scattering Parameters in Combination with FDTD Simulation and Transmission Equation(PDF)


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A Method to Calculate Scattering Parameters in Combination with FDTD Simulation and Transmission Equation
ZHOU BaixinWANG Sicong
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
FDTD ( Fin ite-D ifference T im e-Dom ain) transm ission equa tion sca tter ing param ete rs storag e space simu lation tim e
The FDTD sim ulation procedure must be run tw ice when it is used to calcu late the scatter ing param eters o f the antenna and othe r objects fed w ith the lossless transm ission line in order to obtain the tim e dom a in input vo ltage and output vo ltage distribution. Therefore, the larger the FDTD com putationa l dom ain is, the larger the sim ulation tim e and sto rage space is required. H owever, the input vo ltage distr ibution is only the vo ltage exc itation source delayed in tim e. On the lossless transm ission line, the re flection vo ltage is equal to the input vo ltage in the am plitude, so a fo rmu lation and the distr ibution of the input vo ltag e in tim e dom a in can be found in theo ry by using the distance from the observe po int to the exc itation source, electrom agne tic field propagating speed and the transm ission equation ( or te leg raph equation). The FDTD simu lation program needn’ t been run to obta in the inpu t vo ltage when the sca-t ter ing param eters are ca lcu la ted. In th is m e thod, the FDTD prog ram is on ly run once to ob tain the re flection vo ltage d istribution in tim e. This paper no t on ly g ives out the tim e dom a in equation of the input voltage and current on a po int of the lo ssless transm ission line, but a lso ca lculates the sca tter ing param eters o f a patch antenna and a low - pass fi-l ter w ith them ethod. The num erica l experim ents have shown that the m ethod in this pape r is in good agreem ent w ith that from the tw ice‘ s FDTD s imu lation. The storag e space and the sim ulation tim e are a ll reduced even to a half as usual.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29