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The ID-based Key Management Scheme in Wireless Ad hoc Networks(PDF)


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The ID-based Key Management Scheme in Wireless Ad hoc Networks
XU Qian~1ZHANG Futai~1LIU Zhigao~
1. Schoo l ofM ath em at ics and Com puter S cien ce, Nan jing Norm alUn ivers ity, N an jing 210097, C h ina;
2. C ollege of VocationalT echnology, Anhu iUn iversity ofT echnology, M aan shan 243001, C h ina
w ire less Ad hoc netw orks key m anag em ent ID-based cryptog raphy secret shar ing secure transm ission
ID-based cryptography w as introduced by Shm ir in 1984. W ith th is schem e for encryption, signa ture and authentication can e ffective ly reduce the cost o f storage and computational in system s. In th is pape r, w e propose a new keym anagem ent schem e for w ire less ad hoc netwo rks based on it. The recently dev eloped techn iques o f ID - based cryptography and secre t sha ring are dep loyed to rea lize the d istributed generation of the nodes- pr iva te keys. It alsom akes use of the b lind short signature to ensure the secure distribution o f the priva te key shares of nodes in pub lic channe.l Our schem e can satisfy a ll the security dem ands of key in w ire less ad hoc netwo rks. It can also save the resource o f the netwo rk so that the netwo rk per fo rm ance is greatly im proved


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Last Update: 2013-04-29