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Particle Swarm Optimization Based on l_p Data Fitting and Its Applications(PDF)


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Particle Swarm Optimization Based on l_p Data Fitting and Its Applications
XU ShoujiangZHU Qingbao
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
m etro logy l p da ta fitting PSO a lgor ithm data processing
Robust regression ana lys is and m in im al residua l error analysis are tw o aspec ts of da ta pro cessing o f dynam ic measurem ent. The Pa rtic le Swarm Optim ization ( PSO ) a lgo rithm and its application on lp data fitting are de-scr ibed. In PSO algor ithm, eve ry pa rtic le adjusts its position to find good results through its own inform ation and par ticle sw am. Every partic le communicates w ith the others in every itera tion, and PSO a lgo rithm converges quick ly. PSO a lgor ithm has som e advantages in func tion optim ization and can be applied to lp Data Fitting. A t last, examp les and related resu lts prove its va lid ity. This me thod can m ake l p Da ta Fitting very prec ise, and decrease the calculation erro r, m eanwh ile g loba l optim um so lution can be obta ined mo re rapidly than genetic algorithm. Th is m ethod has the theo retical and prac tica l significances


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Last Update: 2013-04-29