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New Method of Synthesis of Tri(Tribromophenyl) Cyanurate(PDF)


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New Method of Synthesis of Tri(Tribromophenyl) Cyanurate
GU HuidanHUANG DongpingYU ChunhongYANG Jinfei
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
T ri( tribromopheny l) cyanura te tr ibromobenzene cyanury l chloride synthesis
Tri( tr ibrom opheny l) cyanurate is synthesized from Tr ibrom ophenol and Cyanu ricCh lo ride. It is de term ined by the com pa rison m ethod that sod ium hydrox ide and ethy l aceta te are used as HC l acceptor and the so lvent, respec- tive ly.W ith an o rthogona l expe rim en t m ethod, the suitable synthesis cond itions are defined as fo llow s: the reaction tem perature: 70℃ , the so lvent quantity: 2. 2 tim es them ass of Tribromopheno ,l reac tion tim e: 1. 5 h, the mo lar ratio o f tr ibrom ophenol and the cyanuric ch lo ride: 3. 10:1, and the tem pera ture of sy stem w hen NaOH jo ined in: 50℃. Under the above conditions, synthetic productiv ity can reach 97. 0%. The qua lity of the product can reach the indexes of the ove rsea product. The structure o f the product w as defined by FT-IR.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29