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Similar Sentence Search Algorithm in Automated Assessment System of Subjective Test Based on Chinese(PDF)


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Similar Sentence Search Algorithm in Automated Assessment System of Subjective Test Based on Chinese
Zhang Xiaoyan
Department of Computer,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an 710054,China
automa tic check system dynam ic programm ing semantic sim ilarity deg ree dependent tree
The key prob lem in the autom ated assessm en t of the sub jec tive test is the com putation of the sem antic m arch ing degree be tw een the student answ er and the standa rd answ er. The computation me thod of the ma tch ing deg ree between the student answer and the standard answ er is proposed wh ich includes two steps o f searching fo r the sim ilar candidate sentences and com puting the sim ilar ity degrees betw een sentences based on sem antic ex istence dependence. The dynam ic programm ing is used to search for the cand idate sentences, and then the candidate sentences are determ ined. The num ber of the de term ined sentences is not m uch, but they may have the sim ilar m ean ings w ith the standard answe r. Furtherm ore, the deep syntax ana lyses on the standard answer and the few candidate sentences are imp lem ented to find the dependent re lationship. The fina l result is acquired by the computation o f the sem antic sim ilarity deg ree based on the resu lt o f the dependent analysis. This me thod has the practical v alue to a certain degree because it can improve the effic iency and the accuracy of autom atic check abou t the sub jective questions.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29