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Design and Implementation of ADSL User Terminal(PDF)


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Design and Implementation of ADSL User Terminal
Yang Tao1Ma Tianding2Wei Yimin1
1.Institute of Communication Engineering,PLA Science and Technology University,Nanjing 210007,China;2.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute,Nanjing 210029,China
ADSL discrete mu lt-i tone echo cance llation access m ode l
Th is pape r introduces the deve lopm en t o fADSL technology and internationa l standards, ADSL accessm ode. l ForG9921 2, the DMT m odulation, demodu lation, and spectrum character istic are prov ided. U sing large scale integrated circu it, a ADSL user term ina l acco rding to the ITU G. 9921 2 standard is designed, the RFC2364 and RFC1483 as drivers are im plem ented. The test schem e is designed, and the test result show s tha t the ADSL user term inal m ee ts the ITU G. 99212 standard.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29