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Notes on a Limit Distribution of Urn Model(PDF)


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Notes on a Limit Distribution of Urn Model
Nurmuhammat·Siraji1Yang Jilong2Mi Hui2
1.Department of Mathematics,Xinjiang Hotan Advanced Normal School, Hotan 848000,China;2.School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
U rn m ode l B distribution lim it d istribution converge in probability
In th is paper, Sn denotes the number o f b lack ba lls cho sen in the first n draw ing s, and it is prove tha t Sn /n converges in probab ility as n→ ∞ to 0. 5 in Friedm an U rnM odel and Sn /n converges in d istr ibu tion asn→ ∞ to a random variab leZ in Po lya UrnMode,l w hich has a B eta distribution.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29