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Analysis of Electricity Load of Modern High Buildings and the Selection of Power Distribution Scheme(PDF)


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Analysis of Electricity Load of Modern High Buildings and the Selection of Power Distribution Scheme
Shen YunongZhao CaihongWang EnrongChen Yanping
School of Electrical and Automatization Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
h igh build ing s load ca lculation AHP schem e selection
The factors cons idered in calcu laling e lec tric ity lo ad o f modern h igh bu ildings are very different fo rm the traditona l conditions w hile the app lication o f building autom ation system ( BAS) m akes the charac teristics o f e lectr ic ity load change g rea tly, and cause e lectr ic ity load caclutation m ore and mo re comp licated. Dem and Side M anagemen ( DSM ) sta rted by pow er departm ent has an in fluence on the operation of high bu ild ing pow er equipm ent. If these character istics we re considered, itw ould lead e rrors to e lectr ic ity load cac lutation. Th is pape r ana ly ses the character istics of e lectr ic ity load of m odern h igh buildings, compares and analyses trad itonal electr ic ity load cac luta tion. It a lso applys AnalyticH ie rarchy Pro cess ( AH P) to com pare techn ica l economy of des ign schem e o f power supply and d istr-i bution system o f d ifferent h igh bu ild ing s, g ives the results o f synthestica l evalua tion o f spare schem es and bases for reasonable cho ise of pow er supply and d istribution system design schem e.


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Last Update: 2013-06-04