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Discussion on Verifying of Special Balancing Machine(PDF)


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Discussion on Verifying of Special Balancing Machine
Li Heying1Yu Mei1Tang Bo2
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Nanjing Measure-Testing Academy Balancing Verifying Center,Nanjing 210042,China
m in imum reachable rem a in counterba lance e0 unba lancing reduc ing rate URR spec ia l balanc ing m ach ine
It dev ises deta iled exp lanation for ve rify ing o f comm on ba lanc ing m ach ine in verify ing standards, but ver i-f y ing o f specia l ba lanc ing m ach ines needs re ferring to comm on ones. By w ide ly using o f ba lancingm achine, espec ia lly spec ial ones, most specia l ba lanc ing m ach ines cannot be ver ified by ru les. A ccording to dynam ic ba lanc ing princ ip les comb ined w ith m ethods of verify ing of comm on balanc ingm ach ines, the essentials o f the verify ing are obta ined: m in-i m um reachab le rem a in counterba lance e0 and unbalanc ing reducing rate URR. The m in imum reachab le rema in ing coun terbalance can be measured by test, then the checkout. s testing we ight can be reckoned, and it can be va lidated if the checkout o fm in imum reachable rem a in counte rbalance of them achine is up to grade or not. Ensuring unba lancing reduc ing rate by a llow ing c irc le grapho logy, then the azim uth ind icatory exactitude o f balanc ing m ach ine is g ained.


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Last Update: 2013-06-04