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Parameters Identifier of PMSM Drive Based on EKF Arithmetic(PDF)


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Parameters Identifier of PMSM Drive Based on EKF Arithmetic
Sun Pindong12Gu Xuefeng1Zhu Zhiqiang2Zhu Xi2
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Sheffield,UK
extended ka lm an filter arithm etic perm anen t AC mo tor param eter identifier reduced order model
The linear ized and reduced order Extended Ka lm an F ilter ( EKF) a rithm etic is em ployed in param eter identi fication inc lud ing estima te estim a tion o f the stator w ind ing resister and rotor flux linkag e in su rface-m ounted perm anent m agnet brush less AC m otor, according to stator vo ltages, cu rrents, rotor position and speed measured from the mo tor. H av ing ana lyzed them ode l o f themo tor and ar ithme tic of Ka lm an F ilter, we estab lish a full order and a reduced order o f Ka lm an Filterm ode,l and a lso obtain the estim ated va lue through the mode.l The error between rea l va lue and estima ted va lue is ana lyzed in the paper and the curves o f the resistance and flux-linkage, wh ich vary w ith speed, and the loads a re a lso ana lyzed in the paper. In them oto r control sy stem, PWM inverte r is used as powe r supp ly o f the m otor, and a new genera tion o f m icro DSP TM S320F281 is emp loyed as a controlle r. A t the end of the paper, the estima ted results o f sta to r resistor and rotor flux linkage are presented.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24