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An Experimental Investigation on Axial Heat Flux of Wall in Microtubes(PDF)


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An Experimental Investigation on Axial Heat Flux of Wall in Microtubes
Duan Zhen1Zhao Xiaobao2Liu Zhigang3
1.Nanjing Institute of Boiler&Pressure Vessel Supervisory Inspection,Nanjing 210002,China;2.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;3.Shandong Energy Research Institute Academy of Sciences,Jinan 250014,China
m icro heat transfer m icrotube m ic ro flow IR cam era
Th is paper investigates the characteristics o fw a ll tem pera ture field and ax ia lw a ll heat conduction of sta in less stee lm ic rotubes w ith inner d iam eters o f 168 m and 399 m, as distilled w ater flow s through the sta inless steel m icrotube. Based on the rm al im ag ing techno logy of m icro area, the tem pera ture d istr ibu tion m aps on the w a ll o f m icro tubes a re obta ined by em ploy ing an IR Cam era fo r constant Reyno lds num ber and d ifferent heating pow ers. A sim ple m athem atic m ode l is used to express the re la tionsh ip betw een the ax ial wa ll conductive heat and the fluid convectiv e heat transfer. The exper imenta l resu lts and theoretica l ana ly sis show that the quantity of ax ia lw a ll conductive hea t is conside rably sm all and m ay be neg lected compared to the convec tive heat transfer fo r liqu id flow in m icrotube.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24