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A Designated-Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve(PDF)


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A Designated-Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve
Shen LiminZhang Futai
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
e lliptic curve d ig ita l s igna ture adaptively chosen-message attack designated-ve rifier proxy signature
Th is paper presents an im proved e lliptic curve dig ita l signature ( ECDSA) schem ewh ich comb ines the Schnorr signa ture schem e w ith ECDSA. This schem e is mo re efficient by avo iding the ca lcu lation o f inverse elem ent over the fie ld Zn. And the de tailed secur ity ana ly sis o f the schem e shows that it is secure. Then a designated- verifier proxy signature schem e based on the im proved ECDSA schem e is proposed. The com putationa l comp lex ity asw e ll as the secur ity o f the new ly pro


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Last Update: 2013-04-24