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Test Signal Generator With VGA Interface Based on SOPC(PDF)


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Test Signal Generator With VGA Interface Based on SOPC
Zhang YangChen Jiasheng
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
SOPC N io s II VGA signal gene ration
A ccording to the pr inciple of VGA inter face, ad isplay of VGA w ith SOPC techno logy is designed. Based on one cyclone series FPGA produced by A ltera, an accurate schedule and a sim ple pe riphery a re ach ieved. The key and UART con tro l them ode o f VGA signals output. The LCD d isp lays the sty le of current signa.l The whole N ios II system has exce llences o f PLC andMCU. Using FPGA to design a VGA interface can send the data directly onto the screen for d isp lay, which cuts down the process of PC, thus qu icken ing the speed o f da ta pro cess and sav ing the expense o f the hardwa re.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24