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An Algorithm for Attribute Reduction in Rough Set and its Application in Intrusion Detection(PDF)


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An Algorithm for Attribute Reduction in Rough Set and its Application in Intrusion Detection
Qiu YuxiangYang Ming
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
intrusion de tection rough se t m ix discernib ilitym atrix a ttr ibu te reduction
A nove l rough set-based m ethod follow ed by estab lishing am ix discern ib ilitym atr ix is introduced for in trusion detection, and choose C4.5 a lgo rithm for testing the effectiveness o f se lected a ttr ibute subse ts. Expe rim en tal results show tha t the c lassifiers developed using the se lected a ttr ibute subse ts have be tter perform ance than those g enerated by a ll a ttr ibu tes


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Last Update: 2013-04-24